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What Is Whipworm in dogs? Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Intestinal parasites known as whipworms can infect dogs, feeding on their blood and causing irritation and other uncomfortable symptoms. Today, our San Diego veterinarians discuss the causes, signs, treatment, and prevention of dog whipworm infection.

What is whipworm in dogs?

Whipworms, or Trichuris vulpis, are intestinal parasites that can significantly affect your dog's overall health and well-being. They typically measure around 1/4 of an inch in length and establish their residence in your dog's large intestine and cecum. Once there, they firmly attach to your pet's mucosal lining, leading to severe irritation.

How do dogs get whipworms?

Whipworms live at the beginning of a dog's large intestine (cecum) and colon, where eggs can be passed into the dog's feces. A dog can get whipworms by ingesting an infested substance such as feces, animal flesh, water, soil, or food. 

Eggs can survive for up to five years in moist, warm environments. In mild cases, you typically won't see symptoms. However, severe cases can cause symptoms such as weight loss, diarrhea, inflammation, and occasionally anemia.

Dogs can be diagnosed with whipworms when your vet takes a fecal sample, but false negatives are not common as eggs are not easy to find on all samples. Repeating fecal exams is recommended if you see blood in your dog's stool. Often, your vet will prescribe three monthly treatments. 

Whipworm Appearance

This intestinal parasite is easily identifiable by its shape. It features a thicker front end and a long, thin back end that resembles a whip.

Lifecycle of Whipworm in Dogs

The lifecycle of a whipworm comprises three stages: egg, larvae, and adult. Whipworms lay eggs in a dog's intestine, becoming part of the dog's stool. Infected dogs can potentially transmit whipworm to other animals every time they defecate because the eggs remain viable in the environment for up to five years.

Once outside the host, the eggs typically reach the infective stage within 10-60 days, becoming ready to infect the next host animal. After ingestion, they hatch and mature in the pet's intestine, laying additional eggs and restarting the cycle.

Symptoms of Whipworm in Dogs

You will likely notice very few signs if your dog has recently contracted whipworms. In the later stages of the infection, some dogs may even remain asymptomatic. However, it's important to keep an eye out for some common whipworm symptoms, which include:

  • Anemia
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Blood in stool
  • Weight loss

Treating Whipworm in Dogs

Your vet's office conducts fecal exams as the best method for monitoring your dog for intestinal parasites, including whipworms. Whipworms take up to 12 weeks to mature and start laying eggs, and they tend to lay a limited number of eggs inconsistently. Because of these factors, achieving an accurate diagnosis can be challenging, often necessitating repeated fecal exams.

How Your Vet Will Help

Whipworm eggs' resilience often leads to frequent reinfection, posing a challenging obstacle in eliminating whipworms.

To combat whipworm infestations in dogs, veterinarians typically prescribe medications to eradicate these parasites thriving within your dog's intestine. If your dog exhibits uncomfortable symptoms, additional medications may become necessary.

Most prescribed whipworm treatments involve administering medication at one-month intervals. To prevent reinfection, it is crucial to meticulously clean your dog's kennel area, bedding, and yard. Your veterinarian may also recommend periodic retreatment every four months to combat future reinfections proactively.

Preventing Whipworm in Dogs

Preventing whipworms is far more accessible and effective than treating them. Many heartworm medications and vaccinations are available for dogs and cats to safeguard against whipworms. By administering monthly heartworm medication to your pet, you can protect it from various intestinal parasites, including whipworms, hookworms, and roundworms. Don't hesitate to consult your vet for guidance on safeguarding your dog.

At Kearny Mesa Veterinary Center, we pride ourselves in providing parasite prevention products to safeguard your pet against intestinal parasites.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your dog displaying symptoms of whipworms? Contact our San Diego vets to have your canine companion examined.

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